حلم الغرق في البحر وفقا لابن سيرين

Dream of Drowning in the Sea According to Ibn Sirin

The dream of drowning in the sea can have several different interpretations according to scholars and interpreters. The interpretation of this dream depends on the individual's circumstances and social status. Here, we provide you with some of the most prominent interpretations for different situations of the dreamer.Dream of drowning in the sea according to Ibn Sirin: Drowning in the sea in a dream sends a warning message for the person to reconsider their religious matters [...]

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تفسير حلم السقوط من مكان مرتفع

Dreaming of falling from a high place according to Ibn Sirin

Dreaming of falling from a high place - A dream of falling from a high place can indicate several different interpretations according to jurists and interpreters. Interpretation of the dream depends on the dreaming person’s status and social status. Through this website, we present to you the most prominent interpretations of the different situations of the dreamer. A dream about falling from a high place by Ibn Sirin Ibn Sirin and Al-Nabulsi are considered among the most prominent jurists […]

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Secrets of making money online

Secrets of making money from the Internet - The world lives in a digital era swept by Internet technologies and social media, and with these effective technologies, many individuals wonder how to exploit them to achieve profit. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the secrets of making money from the Internet and how to make the most of social media. Exploitation of online shopping sites Online shopping sites [...]

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معنى رؤية الميت

 The meaning of seeing death in a dream 

The meaning of seeing the deceased - From time to time, some visions that appear to everyone are repeated, and among these common visions is seeing the dead person in a dream, which appears to many people in their dreams and is considered one of the visions that many people experience during their sleep. The reason for this vision is due to the person’s longing for the deceased, or it may be an important message for the dreamer that he must pay attention to

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